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Route N8 Hainault-Oxford Circus

Some scanned timetables are available here

Current timetables on TfL site:
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Box Nts Christmas week Nts NY Eve Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts DayLt Sat Nts

Working timetables by date

21 Apr 2007    SCN 15493 Increased nightly frequencies.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Apr 2008    SCN 19156 Temporary diversion (New Oxford Street).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 Jul 2008    SCN 19473
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Jun 2009    SCN 20022 Withdrawn between Victoria and Oxford Circus.
Sun-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 Jan 2010    SCN 23096 Temporary diversion (Oxford Street East).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Mar 2010    SCN 24176
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 May 2010    SCN 25008
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Jun 2010    SCN 25157 Temporary diversion (Cheapside).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
26 Jun 2010    SCN 25252
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
10 Jul 2010    SCN 25298 Temporary diversion and schedules (Gants Hill)
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Aug 2010    SCN 25299 End of temporary schedules (Gants Hill). Diversion ceased on 21st August.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
06 Nov 2010    SCN 25801 End of temporary diversion (Oxford Street East).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Dec 2010    SCN 26334 Rerouted on departure form Oxford Circus.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
05 Mar 2011    SCN 27271 Change to St Paul's curtailment point
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
25 Jun 2011    SCN 26336 Change to Oxford Circus terminal.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Jul 2011    SCN 28115 New schedule, with weekend short journeys operating to Stratford rather than Wanstead. Increasde weekend night frequencies.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
31 Jul 2011    SCN 28562 Temporary northbound diversion (Stratford). Began 1 August.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
18 Sep 2011    SCN 29019 Temporary northbound diversion (Bishopsgate).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
19 Sep 2011    SCN 29272
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
06 Nov 2011    SCN 28709 End of temporary diversion (Stratford).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Jan 2012    SCN 29277 End of temporary westbound diversion (Poultry). Ceased 8 January.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Feb 2012    SCN 29020 End of temporary northbound diversion (Bishopsgate).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
30 Jun 2012    SCN 29990 Change to southbound stop in Regent Street
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
14 Jul 2012    SCN 30316 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Jul 2012    SCN 27414 Temporarily increased weekday night frequency and weekend short journeys extended from Stratford to Wanstead (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Aug 2012    SCN 29490 End of temporarily increased frequencies (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Aug 2012    SCN 27415 Temporarily increased weekday night frequency and weekend short journeys extended from Stratford to Wanstead (Paralympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
10 Sep 2012    SCN 29491 End of temporarily increased frequencies (Paralympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Apr 2013    SCN 33502 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
24 Aug 2013    SCN 34718 Temporarily curtailed from Oxford Circus to Tottenham Court Road Station. Temporary westbound diversion (Blackwall Tunnel Northern Approach.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
02 Nov 2013    SCN 35378 End of temporary curtailment to Tottenham Court Road Station.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
21 Dec 2013    SCN 34753 End of temporary westbound diversion (Blackwall Tunnel Northen Approach). End of emergency schedules.
Sun Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 3
Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 4
Sa Nts
01 Mar 2014    SCN 36378 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
26 Apr 2014    SCN 36875 Westbound buses no longer serve stop in Oxford Street. Began on 27th March.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
10 May 2014    SCN 37029 Temporary change to eastbound stop in Oxford Street.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
21 Jun 2014    SCN 37048 Temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Street).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Jun 2014    SCN 33468 New contract. Converted to NBfL.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Aug 2014    SCN 37083 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Circus).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts
07 May 2016    SCN 43699 Change to crosslinks (still with 8) (data correction).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Jun 2016    SCN 43902 Temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Began 11 June but in revised form. Copy from Schedule 43699.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
02 Jul 2016    SCN 44146 Revision of temporary Newgate Street diversion. Began 11 June. Copy from Schedule 43902.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Aug 2016    SCN 44732 Revision to temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 44146.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
30 Sep 2016    SCN 43903 End of temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street, ended on 15th September). Copy from Schedule 44732 -
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 Oct 2016    SCN 45184 Change to eastbound stop in Shoreditch High Street. Already in operation. Copy from Schedule 43903 (not BxNt sMFNt sMTNt sFrNt sSaNt sSuNt).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
01 Apr 2017    SCN 46336 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun-Th Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
Sp Sun Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
Sp Mo-Th Nts
27 May 2017    SCN 47172 Eastbound stop at eastern end of New Oxford Street temporarily unserved. Copy from Schedule 46336.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
17 Jun 2017    SCN 47139 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun-Th Nts Sp Sun Nts
02 Sep 2017    SCN 44112 Reduced weekend night frequencies.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Sep 2017    SCN 48156 Formalisation of temporary westbound Bishopsgate diversion. Copy from Schedule 44112.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Oct 2017    SCN 48157 End of temporary westbound diversion (Bishopsgate). Corrections to timing points (Shoreditch and Bank added both ways).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Fr Nts
13 Jan 2018    SCN 49194 Westbound stop in Stratford Broadway no longer served. Began 8 December 2017. Copy from Schedule 48157 (not GfNt sSaNt).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
31 Mar 2018    SCN 49663 Eastbound stop at eastern end of New Oxford Street reintroduced. Copy from Schedule 49194.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
20 Oct 2018    SCN 49381 Rerouted westbound at Stratford. Began on 22nd October.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sat Nts
Opt 1 ver 2
Opt 1 ver 3
01 Dec 2018    SCN 51198 New duty schedules.
Fr Nts Good Fr Nts Box Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
31 Dec 2018    SCN 51333 New Year's Eve night service curtailed to Holborn Station.
NY Eve Nts
04 May 2019    SCN 52036 Change to Oxford Circus terminal.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Jun 2019    SCN 49831 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
07 Dec 2019    SCN 53778 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
31 Dec 2019    SCN 53742 New Year's Eve night schedule with curtailment to Holborn.
NY Eve Nts
25 Jan 2020    SCN 54125 Temporary diversion (Cheapside) - started on 6th January. Copy from Schedule 53778 (not GfNt sMTNt sMFNt sSaNt sSuNt SuNtBh).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
13 Jun 2020    SCN 55399 Temporary eastbound diversion (Threadneedle Street). Began on 8th June. Copy from Schedule 54125
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
01 Aug 2020    SCN 55960 Temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 55399.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 Aug 2020    SCN 56155 Temporary closure of northbound stop in Bishopsgate. Began 1st August. Copy from Schedule 55960 (not sMTNt SuNtBh)
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts
24 Oct 2020    SCN 56952 Includes clock change schedule.
Sp Sat Nts
28 Nov 2020    SCN 57227 Westbound stop in High Holborn (Holborn Station) restored. Copy from Schedule 56155 (not BxNt sFrNt sMFNt sMTNt sSuNt).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Fr Nts
16 Jan 2021    SCN 55972 End of temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 57227.
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Mar 2021    SCN 54163 End of temporary diversions (Cheapside and Threadneedle Street). Northbound stop in Bishopsgate reopened. Copy from Schedule 55972.
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Mar 2021    SCN 58303 Includes clock change schedule.
Sp Sat Nts
01 Apr 2021    SCN 58422 Easter special schedules
Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts
16 Apr 2021    SCN 58534 Tube replacement extras on Friday nights (Central Line)
Sp Fr Nts
19 Jun 2021    SCN 58953 Old PDF Format. Change to westbound stop in Bishopsgate (Primrose Street). Copy from Schedule 54163 (not sSuNt).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts
19 Jun 2021    SCN 58953 New PDF Format. Change to westbound stop in Bishopsgate (Primrose Street). Copy from Schedule 54163 (not sSuNt).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH)
30 Oct 2021    SCN 60264 Includes clock change schedules.
Box Nts NY Eve Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Sat Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
04 Mar 2022    SCN 61087 Old PDF Format. Enhanced service between Liverpool Street and Hainault.
Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
04 Mar 2022    SCN 61087 New PDF Format. Enhanced service between Liverpool Street and Hainault.
Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
26 Mar 2022    SCN 61332 Includes clock change schedules.
Sp Sat Nts
14 Apr 2022    SCN 61582 Easter holiday special schedules.
Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts
28 May 2022    SCN 61872 Old PDF Format. New schedules.
Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 May 2022    SCN 61872 New PDF Format. New schedules.
Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
01 Jun 2022    SCN 61895 Old PDF Format. Special Jubilee schedules.
Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Sat Nts
01 Jun 2022    SCN 61895 New PDF Format. Special Jubilee schedules.
Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts
28 Aug 2022    SCN 62325 Special schedules with connection to Bank Holidays.
Sp Sun Nts
01 Sep 2022    SCN 62287 Eastbound stop in Bloomsbury Way (Museum Street) temporarily closed. Copy from Schedule 54163 (SuNt).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Oct 2022    SCN 62667 Includes clock change schedule.
Sp Sat Nts
17 Dec 2022    SCN 62316 End to eastbound stop closure in Bloomsbury Way. Copy from Schedule 54163 (SuNt).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Christmas week Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Fr Nts
18 Feb 2023    SCN 63178 Diverted eastbound away from Bank.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
25 Mar 2023    SCN 63460 Clock change schedules.
DayLt Sat Nts
01 Apr 2023    SCN 63510 Introduction of Tottenham Court Road, Earnshaw Rd curtailment point.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts
17 Jul 2023    SCN 64256 Permanently rerouted at Bank.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts
28 Oct 2023    SCN 64848 Clock change and seasonal schedules.
Sun Nts (before BH) Box Nts Christmas week Nts NY Eve Nts Sp Fr Nts DayLt Sat Nts
29 Mar 2024    SCN 65816 Easter weekend schedules.
Good Fr Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts
30 Mar 2024    SCN 65920 Clock change schedule.
DayLt Sat Nts
31 Mar 2024    SCN 65966 Bank Holiday weekend schedule.
Sun Nts (before BH)
07 Sep 2024    SCN 66990
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts

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