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Route N73 Walthamstow-Victoria

Some scanned timetables are available here

Current timetables on TfL site:
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts

Working timetables by date

27 Oct 2007    SCN 18251
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
19 Apr 2008    SCN 19175
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 Jul 2008    SCN 19443
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
01 Aug 2008    SCN 19730 Temporary westbound diversion (Oxford Street East).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
12 Sep 2008    SCN 20444
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Sep 2009    SCN 23114
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Nov 2009    SCN 23125
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
03 Jan 2010    SCN 23830
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 Jan 2010    SCN 23106 Temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Street East).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Mar 2010    SCN 23831
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Mar 2010    SCN 24047
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 May 2010    SCN 25009
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
06 Nov 2010    SCN 25826 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Street East).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 Dec 2010    SCN 26505
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Feb 2011    SCN 26489 Temporarily diverted eastbound via Wigmore Street.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
14 May 2011    SCN 27832 Formalisation of revised Victoria stand arrangements, which started on 3rd May.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
03 Sep 2011    SCN 24097 New contract with garage reallocation. Increased weekend night frequency.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Fr Nts
05 May 2012    SCN 26491 End of temporary diversion via Wigmore Street (began 14th February 2011).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Fr Nts
28 Jul 2012    SCN 27282 Temporarily increased night frequency (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Aug 2012    SCN 27283 End of temporary increased night frequency (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Aug 2012    SCN 27533 Temporarily increased frequency (Paralympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Sep 2012    SCN 27534 End of temporarily increased frequency (Paralympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Mar 2013    SCN 33395 Schedule upload for Good Friday and Easter Monday.
Carnival Mo Nts
20 Oct 2013    SCN 35262 Rerouterd westbound at Tottenham Hale. Temporary eastbound diversion.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
22 Mar 2014    SCN 36455 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
26 Apr 2014    SCN 36908 Buses no longer serve stops in Oxford Street. Began on 27th March.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
12 Jul 2014    SCN 36994 Temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Street).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Aug 2014    SCN 37001 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Oxford Circus).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
06 Sep 2014    SCN 36469 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
08 Nov 2014    SCN 32325 Revised to serve Tottenham Hale Bus Station in both directions.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
05 Dec 2015    SCN 42430 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
12 Mar 2016    SCN 43338 Change to northbound stop at Seven Sisters Station. Copy from Schedule 42430.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
02 Jul 2016    SCN 44120 New Saturday night duty schedules (data correction). Copy from Schedule 43338.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts
22 Apr 2017    SCN 46884 Formalisation of temporary northbound Essex Road diversion. Copy from Schedule 44120.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
17 Jun 2017    SCN 44382 Withdrawen between Victoria and Oxford Circus. Reduced weekend night frequencies.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 Aug 2017    SCN 47278 End of temporary southbound diversion (Essex Road). Copy from Schedule 44382.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
25 Aug 2017    SCN 47807 Temporary southbound diversion (Islington High Street). Rerouted on departure at Oxford Circus. Began 16 August.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Oct 2017    SCN 47808 End of temporary southbound diversion (Islington High Street). Ended 1 November.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
01 Sep 2018    SCN 47570 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
24 Nov 2018    SCN 51037 New duty schedules.
Sa Nts
23 Feb 2019    SCN 51741 Northbound stop in Tottenham Court Road (Percy Street) no longer served. Copy from Schedule 47570 (SaNt from 51037).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Apr 2019    SCN 43192 Rerouted southbound via Tottenham Court Road.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 May 2019    SCN 52033 Change to Oxford Circus terminal
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
15 Jun 2019    SCN 52436 Additional northbound stop at Tottenham Court Road Station (data correction). Copy from Schedule 52033.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
24 Aug 2019    SCN 52979 New duty schedules.
Sa Nts
12 Sep 2020    SCN 48763 Rerouted at Tottenham Hale.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
07 Nov 2020    SCN 56654 Garage reallocation.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Mar 2021    SCN 57989 Revised schedules (Covid). Copy from Schedule 56654 (SuNt)
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Nov 2021    SCN 60421 New duty schedules
Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
08 Jan 2022    SCN 60796 Westbound stop at Ferry Lane Industrial Estate temporarily not served. Began 16 December 2021. Copy from Schedule 60421 (SuNt from 57989).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
22 Jan 2022    SCN 60785
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
19 Mar 2022    SCN 61164 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
02 Apr 2022    SCN 60797 Old PDF Format. Westbound stop at Ferry Lane Industrial Estate restored. Copy from Schedule 61164.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
02 Apr 2022    SCN 60797 New PDF Format. Westbound stop at Ferry Lane Industrial Estate restored. Copy from Schedule 61164.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
22 Apr 2023    SCN 63649 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 May 2023    SCN 63878 End of temporary timetable (Euston Road).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts

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