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Route N72 Roehampton-East Acton

Current timetables on TfL site:

Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts DayLt Sat Nts

Working timetables by date

18 May 2019    SCN 52158 New route.
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Jul 2019    SCN 52762 Service change for publicity purposes only. Copy from Schedule 52158 (not BxNt sMFNt sMTNt sSaNt).
Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
28 Mar 2020    SCN 54595 Includes clock change schedule.
Sp Sat Nts
16 May 2020    SCN 54871 Revised crosslinks to 72.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts
04 Jul 2020    SCN 55741 Change to crosslinks with 72.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Sat Nts
24 Oct 2020    SCN 56677 Includes clock change schedule.
Sp Sat Nts
06 Feb 2021    SCN 57671 Chage to first stop at East Acton.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Feb 2021    SCN 58013 Northbound stop at Shepherd's Bush Green temporarily closed. Began 15 February.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Mar 2021    SCN 58353 Includes clock change schedule.
Sun Nts (before BH) Good Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts
31 May 2021    SCN 58014 Northbound stop on west side of Shepherd's Bush Green restored..
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Aug 2021    SCN 59361 Revised crosslinks to 72.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Mo-Fr Nts Sp Fr Nts
30 Oct 2021    SCN 60122 Includes clock change schedules
Box Nts Sp Sat Nts
11 Dec 2021    SCN 60639 Special Saturday and Sunday schedules.
Sp Sun Nts Sp Sat Nts
15 Jan 2022    SCN 60705 New duty schedules
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
30 Jan 2022    SCN 60950 Old PDF Format. New duty schedules
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
30 Jan 2022    SCN 60950 New PDF Format. New duty schedules
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Apr 2022    SCN 61561 Old PDF Format. New duty schedules to correct error with Westway emergency schedules
Sp Sun Nts Sp Sat Nts
23 Apr 2022    SCN 61561 New PDF Format. New duty schedules to correct error with Westway emergency schedules
Sp Sun Nts Sp Sat Nts
29 Oct 2022    SCN 62641 Northbound stop on Wood Lane (Ariel Way) temporarily closed. Also includes clock change schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sat Nts
28 Oct 2023    SCN 64832 Clock change schedule.
DayLt Sat Nts
02 Dec 2023    SCN 60774 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Fr Nts
02 Sep 2024    SCN 66793
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts
30 Nov 2024    SCN 66844 End of temporary timetable (Westway).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Sp Sun Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts Sp Fr Nts Sp Sat Nts

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