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Route N242 Homerton-Tottenham Court Road Station

Current timetables on TfL site:

Sun Nts Sun Nts (before BH) Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Good Fr Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts DayLt Sat Nts

Working timetables by date

15 Jun 2019    SCN 51727 New route.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
31 Dec 2019    SCN 53774 New Year's Eve curtailment schedule.
NY Eve Nts
25 Jan 2020    SCN 54127 Temporary diversion (Cheapside) - started on 6th January. Copy from Schedule 51727 - temporary diversion
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 May 2020    SCN 54825 Stop change northbound at Shoreditch.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Jun 2020    SCN 55416 Temporary eastbound diversion (Threadneedle Street). Began on 8th June. Copy from Schedule 54825.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 Jul 2020    SCN 54505 Temporary closure of northbound stop in Bishopsgate. Began 1st August.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
01 Aug 2020    SCN 55963 Temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 55416.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 Jan 2021    SCN 55974 End of temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 54505.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Mar 2021    SCN 55420 End of temporary diversions (Cheapside and Threadneedle Street). Northbound stop in Bishopsgate reopened. Copy from Schedule 55974.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
19 Jun 2021    SCN 58967 Change to westbound stop in Bishopsgate (Primrose Street). Copy from Schedule 55420.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Nov 2021    SCN 60407 Old PDF Format. New nightly schedules
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Nov 2021    SCN 60407 New PDF Format. New nightly schedules
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
01 Sep 2022    SCN 62291 Eastbound stop in Bloomsbury Way (Museum Street) temporarily closed
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
17 Dec 2022    SCN 62321 End of temporary stop closure (Bloomsbury Way).
Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
18 Feb 2023    SCN 63179 Diverted eastbound away from Bank.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
17 Jul 2023    SCN 58402 Permanently rerouted at Bank.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Sa Nts
24 Feb 2024    SCN 63020 Transferred from Arriva to Stagecoach.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 Mar 2024    SCN 65858 Stop sequence change.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
28 Mar 2024    SCN 65814 Easter weekend schedules.
Good Fr Nts Sp Mo-Th Nts
30 Mar 2024    SCN 65986 Clock change schedule.
DayLt Sat Nts
31 Mar 2024    SCN 65987 Bank Holiday weekend schedule.
Sun Nts (before BH)

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