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Route N137 Crystal Palace-Oxford Circus

Some scanned timetables are available here

Current timetables on TfL site:
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts

Working timetables by date

26 May 2007    SCN 16216
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Aug 2007    SCN 18123 Rerouted eastbound at Knightsbridge.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
25 Apr 2009    SCN 21820
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
13 Feb 2011    SCN 26482 Temporarily curtailed from Oxford Circus to Marble Arch.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Aug 2011    SCN 28649 New duty schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 Sep 2011    SCN 25111 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 Apr 2012    SCN 26483 End of temporary curtailment to Marble Arch. Ended 5 May.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
21 Jul 2012    SCN 27276 Temporary eastbound diversion via Eaton Square (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
18 Aug 2012    SCN 27277 End of temporary eastbound diversion via Eaton Square (Olympics).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
27 Mar 2014    SCN 36460 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
11 Oct 2014    SCN 38481 Temporary diversion (Clapham Park Road). Began 11 October.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
03 Jan 2015    SCN 38482 End of temporary diversion (Clapham Park Road).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
16 May 2015    SCN 40543 Change to southbound stop in Park Lane (already in operation). Copy from Schedule 38482.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Aug 2016    SCN 44598 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
17 Sep 2016    SCN 41140 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts Box Nts
04 Jul 2020    SCN 54438 New schedules.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
12 Dec 2020    SCN 57331 Removal of crosslinks to 417 (data correction).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
08 May 2021    SCN 58657 Southbound stop on Chelsea Bridge Road (Ebury Bridge Road) restored. Copy from Schedule 57331.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
29 May 2021    SCN 58762 Change to northbound stop at Oxford Street (Selfridges). Copy from Schedule 58657.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
05 Jun 2021    SCN 58403 Reduced weekend frequency. Copy from Schedule 58762 (SuNt MTNt).
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
05 Mar 2022    SCN 61174 Stops both ways in Leigham Court Road temporarily closed. Began 21 February. Copy from Schedule 58403.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
14 May 2022    SCN 61175 Old PDF Format. Stop each way retored on Leigham Court Road. Copy from Schedule 61174.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
14 May 2022    SCN 61175 New PDF Format. Stop each way retored on Leigham Court Road. Copy from Schedule 61174.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
09 Sep 2022    SCN 62446 Northbound stop (Sloane Terrace) temporarily closed. Began 1st September.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
10 Dec 2022    SCN 62471 Eastbound stop at Sloane Terrace restored.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
04 Feb 2023    SCN 63094 Temporary northbound diversion (Sloane Street). Began 7th January.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
19 Aug 2023    SCN 64372
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
23 Sep 2023    SCN 64618 Stop sequence change.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts
20 Jan 2024    SCN 60760 New contract.
Sun Nts Mo-Th Nts Fr Nts Sa Nts

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