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Route 521 Waterloo-London Bridge

Not a current route

Some scanned timetables are available here

Working timetables by date
A pink background indicates that although the file is also available via a direct link to the TfL website, the file is thought to be obsolete (for example because a MF WTT has been replaced by separate ones for MT and Fr).

Mo-Fr Christmas week
02 Apr 2007    SCN 15135 Evening service introduced. All eastbound journeys use Aldwych underpass.
08 Sep 2007    SCN 18040
Mo-Fr NY Eve Spec Sat
31 Dec 2008    SCN 21132
NY Eve
27 Jul 2009    SCN 22327
01 Sep 2009    SCN 19621 New contract. Converted from artic to normal single deck. Increased Mon-Fri peak frequencies.
Mo-Th Fr
05 Oct 2009    SCN 23031
21 Nov 2009    SCN 23442
Mo-Th Fr Chr Eve NY Eve
21 Dec 2009    SCN 23640
Mo-Th Fr Chr Eve NY Eve Spec Sat
23 May 2010    SCN 24314 Rerouted westbound at Mansion House Station.
Mo-Th Fr Chr Eve NY Eve Spec Sat Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
24 Dec 2010    SCN 26430
Chr Eve NY Eve Spec Sat
22 Jan 2011    SCN 26867
Mo-Th Fr Spec Sat Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
26 Sep 2011    SCN 29065 Increased Mon-Fri peak frequencies.
Mo-Th Fr Spec Sat
03 Jan 2012    SCN 29617 Temporary change to London Bridge terminal.
Mo-Th Fr
09 Jan 2012    SCN 29790 New duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols
30 Jan 2012    SCN 29960 Formalisation of temporary westbound diversion (Cannon Street), which began 9 January.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols
20 Apr 2012    SCN 29953 End of temporary westbound diversion (Cannon Street).
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols
12 May 2012    SCN 31067 Change to terminal bay at London Bridge Station. Began 11 May.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
09 Jul 2012    SCN 31075 Temporary eastbound diversion at Kingsway (Olympics).
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols
20 Jul 2012    SCN 27385 Temporary diversion at Holborn (Olympics).
Spec Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
16 Aug 2012    SCN 27621 End of temporary diversion at Aldwych (Olympics).
Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
27 Aug 2012    SCN 31746 New duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
17 Sep 2012    SCN 31748 New duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols Spec Sat
28 Jan 2013    SCN 32838 Temporary change to London Bridge terminal. Began 24 January.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols
30 Mar 2013    SCN 32841 End of temporary change to London Bridge terminal.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols NY Eve Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
24 Mar 2014    SCN 36281 Temporary eastbound diversion (Aldwych underpass). Began on 17th March.
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols Spec Fr Spec Sat Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
05 Apr 2014    SCN 36619 Temporary eastbound diversion (Cannon Street).
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols Spec Fr Spec Sat Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
19 May 2014    SCN 36283 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Aldwych underpass).
Mo-Th Sch Days Mo-Th Sch Hols Fr Sch Days Fr Sch Hols Spec Fr Spec Sat Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
01 Sep 2014    SCN 33934 Contract extension.
Mo-Th Fr
19 Jan 2015    SCN 39435 Emergency schedule for temporary eastbound Cannon Street diversion, which began 5 January.
Mo-Th Fr
02 Feb 2015    SCN 39576 New Monday-Friday duty schedules.
Mo-Th Fr
16 Mar 2015    SCN 39436 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Cannon Street). Ceased 7/8 March.
Mo-Th Fr
27 Jul 2015    SCN 40769 New duty schedules.
Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
21 Aug 2015    SCN 41424 New Summer school holiday duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
28 Nov 2015    SCN 42331 New duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days NY Eve Spec Sat
11 Jun 2016    SCN 43906 Temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Began 11 June but in revised form. Copy from Schedule 42321 (MFHo FrHo from 41424) .
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
01 Jul 2016    SCN 36620 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Cannon Street).
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
02 Jul 2016    SCN 44148 Revision of temporary Newgate Street diversion. Began 11 June (that is, original diversion never operated). Copy from Schedule 36620.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
20 Aug 2016    SCN 44733 Revision to temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 44148.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
27 Aug 2016    SCN 39850 New contract.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days
01 Oct 2016    SCN 43907 End of temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street, ended on 15th September). Copy from Schedule 39850 (SMTHo and SFrHo from 44733).
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
14 Jan 2017    SCN 45947 Formalisation of temporary westbound Cannon Street diversion. Copy from Schedule 43907.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
05 Feb 2017    SCN 46148 Temporary eastbound diversion (Aldwych underpass). Began 27 February. Copy from Schedule 45947.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
22 Apr 2017    SCN 46149 End of temporary eastbound diversion (Aldwych underpass). Copy from Schedule 46148.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
24 Apr 2017    SCN 46849 New duty schedules.
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days
30 Apr 2017    SCN 45957 End of temporary diversion (Cannon Street). Copy from Schedule 46149 (MTSc FrSc from 46849).
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
03 Jun 2017    SCN 47062 Emergency schedules with reduced frequencies. Copy from Schedule 45957 (sMF SFrHo SMTHo).
Mo-Th Sch Days Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr Summ Mo-Th Sch Hols Summ Fr Sch Hols
29 Jul 2017    SCN 47586 New schedules. Partial garage reallocation.
Mo-Fr Sch Days
04 Sep 2017    SCN 47970 New duty schedules.
Mo-Fr Sch Days
09 Sep 2017    SCN 48104 New duty schedules.
Mo-Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
31 Dec 2018    SCN 51418 New Year's Eve schedule with evening curtailment to Holborn Station and diversion.
NY Eve
20 Apr 2019    SCN 52074 Temporary diversion (Cannon Street). Began 31 March. Copy from Schedule 48104.
Mo-Fr Sch Days
01 Nov 2019    SCN 52075 End of temporary diversion (Cannon Street). Copy from Schedule 52074 (not Ce Nye sMF).
Mo-Fr Sch Days Chr Eve NY Eve Spec Mo-Fr
Opt 1 ver 1
Opt 1 ver 2
13 Jun 2020    SCN 55396 Temporary westbound diversion (Cannon Street). Began on 8th June. Copy from Schedule 52075.
Mo-Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr
04 Jul 2020    SCN 55727 New duty schedules.
Spec Mo-Fr
01 Aug 2020    SCN 55965 Temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Copy from Schedule 55396 (sMF from 55727).
Mo-Fr Sch Days Spec Mo-Fr
22 Aug 2020    SCN 56426 End of special Covid-19 schedules.
Mo-Fr Sch Days
05 Dec 2020    SCN 57291 End of temporary timetab;le
Mo-Fr Chr Eve Spec Mo-Fr
16 Jan 2021    SCN 55971 End of temporary westbound diversion (Newgate Street). Began 8 January. Copy from Schedule 57291.
Mo-Fr Spec Mo-Fr
15 May 2021    SCN 58681 Southbound stop at Somerset House restored. Copy from Schedule 55971.
29 May 2021    SCN 55398 Copy from Schedule 58681 - end of temporary westbound diversion (Cannon Street).
21 Aug 2021    SCN 51568 Rerouted southbound at Aldwych. Copy from Schedule 55398
28 Aug 2021    SCN 57602 New contract. Reduced Mon-Fri peak frequency.
23 Oct 2021    SCN 60241 Old PDF Format. Correction to Aldwych curtailment point. Copy from Schedule 57602 (not Ce Nye sMT) - service control
Mo-Fr Chr Eve NY Eve Spec Mo-Th
23 Oct 2021    SCN 60241 New PDF Format. Correction to Aldwych curtailment point. Copy from Schedule 57602 (not Ce Nye sMT) - service control
19 Nov 2022    SCN 62772 New duty schedule.
Mo-Fr Christmas week

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